Monday, August 15, 2011

"100 SLC Porches, No.69"

"100 Salt Lake City Porches, No.69"; Watercolor on 11" x 14" Yupo.
It was the pretty purple tree of roses of sharon (or at least that's what I thought it was) in the front yard that first drew me.  Then as I looked closer my eyes were drawn in by the window paned areas on each side of the front door.  In this painting, I used the puddle style watercolor painting on yupo. Once a watercolor painting on yupo dries there's a certain glistening softening look that occurs that I just find fascinating.  To view the progress of 100 Salt Lake City Porches (or to request to purchase), please click here.  I welcome any feedback  you may have and thank you for stopping by my blog.

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