Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Butterfly & Flowers...

Recently, a co-worker passed away.  It was a shocking thing where they went in for a surgery that is considered by some as an everyday procedure.  Unfortunately, complications occurred and there was preparations for a life flight to another medical facility but the co-worker passed before that could occur.  It's been a sad week at work.  This co-worker loved purple and butterflies.  So I did this painting at the request of another co-worker that thought it might be a nice gift for the family.  I'm not sure if my artwork is worthy of something like that but here it is....
"Purple Butterfly and Flowers in Remembrance"- 11" x 14" Watercolor and Ink on Paper.

Sunday, April 22, 2018

A Little Eye Fun....

I did these as a Christmas presents for my bosses at an eye care office clinic where I work part time.  They are now being enjoyed on the walls at the clinic....