Thursday, May 19, 2022

Birdhouse Scrabble

 Just a little wordy fun with a birdhouse that features scrabble board with pieces. It's a bit of a rough version I didn't want to get too detailed with it.  I like the unfinished wood around the bird hole.  It ties in well with the wooden scrabble pieces. A spare piece on the roof covers a hole that was in the metal roof.  I wanted to play with a square motif on the roof but wanted it to be loose and simple.  Enjoy and I welcome any feedback you may have!

Monday, May 16, 2022

"Composition C" Birdhouse

 Playing with a bit more of a modern birdhouse this time.  This much more modern birdhouse was loosely based on Piet Mondrian's 1935 Composition C No. 111.  Most fellow Iowans that I have shared photos of this birdhouse have given me mixed reviews.  Most saying "interesting" and leaving it at

But hopefully someone out there will appreciate this birdhouse. The sides of this birdhouse are leftover derecho debris from a vinyl fence that used to be in my back yard but got blown apart by the storm.  The roof are leftover gutters.  I'm having too much fun with reclaiming storm

 Thank you for stopping by and enjoy!

Composition C birdhouse- Front


Back and side of Composition C Birdhouse.

Bottom of Composition C birdhouse