Thursday, April 15, 2010

Hanging Artwork

While I'm struggling through trying to paint my next painting ( a version of "Painter's Block"), I thought that I would share some photos of my art hanging in a friend's house. I will admit that I really find it fun and rather an amazing feeling to walk into a house and see my art.

This is becoming more and more common. It's as I paint more and more of my paintings (and they get sold)that they get out there; that I will see them more. It warms my heart, and makes me happy to have my artwork so that it can add color to other's lives and some enjoyment.

Diane, my friend, says that quite often she will be enjoying her morning cup of coffee and look up to enjoy my artwork. These are located in her front room.

Thanks for sharing Diane! If any of you out there have photos of my artwork hanging in your home, I would love to share those here.

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