Wednesday, April 27, 2011

"100 SLC Porches, No.38 & No.39"

"100 Salt Lake City Porches, No.38"
Poured Watercolor on 10" x 11" Paper
I've been admiring this porch for awhile.  It is along one of my favorite bicycle routes; some of my cycling friends have referred to this route as my "Realtor" route.  I like to ride along nice quiet residential streets where there is less traffic.  I sometimes like to imagine this porch attached to a turreted castle; similar to the Knights of the Round Table.  It has that quality about it.  I also enjoy the wrought iron fence that opens on to an "S" curved stoned walk that leads to the porch.  It all adds to the majesty of it.  I chose four colors for this poured watercolor; indigo, crimson, burnt umber, and kelly green.  I thought that doing it as a poured watercolor gave it a sense of mystical.  I finished it off with a bit of puddle painting.

" 100 Salt Lake City Porches, No.39"
Watercolor on 10" x 11" Paper
 I found this porch nested in a quiet neighborhood and thought it most striking.  I must admit that I want to go back and visit it when the landscape is not covered with snow; as what has been happening with recent Utah weather.  Spring in Utah!  I love the oriental peaceful feel of it, and can imagine that the landscaping will reflect this feeling.  I did this in the wet-to-dry method of watercolor painting to bring out the strikingness of this porch.  To view all of the Salt Lake City Porch Paintings visit this page.

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