Friday, July 23, 2021

Expanding into Bird Houses- Ode to Corn

I've expanded into bird houses....

Photo: "Ode to Corn" Bird house


It's been a long while since I have updated this blog.  Between everyday life and then COVID, this blog kind of fell through the cracks.  After a Derecho storm (An Inland Hurricane) the
first I had ever experienced the almost 140mph winds took out trees, power, part of the roof and almost anything that wasn't bolted into the ground.  It was an eye opener what the weather can do.  

My tree lined street in shambles after a Derecho storm with 140mph winds.

I was lucky enough to be home at the time and took shelter but 3 large trees were lost and gutters were ripped from the house as well as shingles.  

It was after this one day while I was cleaning up the yard that I noticed the local birds nesting in my former mangled gutters.  It was then that it hit me! Those poor birds and thus I changed up my artwork and did a bit of "usuable" art but I decided to repupose the mangled gutters and a bit of wood that ended up in my yard mixed with new wood.  And bird houses started to take shape.

This is my first one that I did.  Loosely based on Grant Wood's Ode to Corn...


Photo- Back of Ode to Corn Bird house.

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