Monday, August 22, 2011

"100 SLC Porches, No.71 & No.72"

"100 Salt Lake City Porches, No.71"; 8" x10" Oil on Canvas
I remember a few years ago going by this above house and it had been gutted by fire.  I felt so bad for the people who lived there.  When I was an early teenager our house had been gutted by fire, and I hate the thought of anyone having to live through that.  But I'm glad as I went on my bike a couple of weeks ago with camera and saw that they had rebuilt and made improvements too.  I wondered about the unique clumping landscaping.  They are tufts of like long grass spaced in front of the porch area.  Might these bloom later in the season?  Or was it something like those small planter with the neatly trimmed grass that's kind of zen in nature? Hmmmm...

"100 Salt Lake City Porches, No.72"; Watercolor on Yupo.
 I bike by Porch #72 three times a week early in the morning on a regular bike club ride (BCC).  I've been watching the ivy slowly fill up around and on the porch as the bike season has progressed along from Spring into Summer and soon heading into Fall.  I decided about a week ago that the ivy had reached it's zenith of porch covering and I thought it would be fun to do kind of a hidden porch.  This painting I did in the puddle style of water coloring which I always find fun to do on yupo.  I limited the colors to kelly green, indigo blue, light green, dioxazine purple, and a bit of permanent rose.  To view the progress (or to request a purchase) of 100 Salt Lake City Porches, visit this page.  Thank you for visiting and I welcome any feedback you may have.

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